The Cocktail Mixer You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

A lot goes into the cocktails you know and love – both in effort and creativity, but also in the sheer number of ingredients. Not to be confused with your dive bar rum and cokes or gin and tonics, craft cocktails are made up of a multitude of parts – all of which contribute an element of flavor, texture, or aroma and come together to create an experience. Otherwise referred to as cocktail mixers, it's these parts that differentiate a cocktail from any other old alcoholic drink, with each one serving its own special purpose.

Skimming through Tasting Table's round-up of the cocktail mixers that every home bar should keep stocked, you'll find everything from ice and juice to bitters and vermouth. Every one of these ingredients are used to serve a different purpose, but in the end, come together to create something that's greater than its parts. Knowing that, it's not too difficult to personify them based on all what they bring to the table. The best way to do that? Assigning one to each zodiac sign, of course.

Just like every different cocktail mixer has its uses and purposes and misuses and errors, every zodiac has its strengths and weaknesses. In the end, though, every zodiac contributes something to the world. With that, there's a special cocktail mixer for each zodiac. Keep reading to discover which you might be.


Aries can be delightful to be around. These signs are generous, honest, adventurous, and energetic. They're the true trailblazers of the zodiac, with real go-getter spirits that make them the exact kind of people you want with you in a pickle. But they are definitely fiery. As the first of all the fire signs and the first of all the zodiacs, the Aries is naturally passionate. In most scenarios, it plays in their favor. However, it can get sticky in a competitive environment — which, for these signs, could include anything. Apparently, being the first sign on the zodiac calendar isn't enough for the Aries — and you don't want to be the person standing in their way.

Aries are known for having a temper, and it really comes out in competition situations — particularly ones they don't win. Knowing that, you might want to take a few steps back before telling them what cocktail mixer they'd be because it's Worcestershire sauce. While it might not be the most popular condiment in the book, Worcestershire sauce is an irreplaceable mixer if you enjoy savory cocktails. Think bloody marys, tomato spritz, dirty martinis, and micheladas — with Worcestershire sauce, any cocktail gets an umami, mouth-watering depth. But, in this sign's fiery fashion, it also gets a bit of zing. 


There's a lot one could say about the Taurus, and most would begin with how stubborn they can be. But a lot of that criticism tends to overlook why these signs are so stubborn in the first place and that it's actually conducive to their ability to show up as the grounded, calm, and dependable people that they're known to be. These signs value routine and stability above all else, and by sticking to their responsibilities, they naturally reduce the amount of stress in their lives. It also doesn't hurt that they're seriously committed to getting in their R&R. In fact, every day would be a spa day if these signs had it their way.

If it's indulgent and luxurious, these signs are all in. That is, as long as it fits into their schedule. Knowing that, the cocktail mixer that these signs would be has a similar effect. That's why they'd be cream or cream of coconut if you don't do the dairy. Cream of either kind is useful for bringing a silky-smooth mouthfeel to any cocktail. Think White Russians and piña coladas — two examples that would taste sadly underwhelming without the help of the sweet, cream ingredient. Whether it's a tropical, frozen cocktail on the beach or a post-dinner cocktail that doubles as dessert, cream turns happy hour into a treat.


Bring up even the thought of a Gemini, and people are going to talk. These signs are known inside the zodiac community and out, but that isn't to say they have the greatest reputation. Represented by twins, which is sometimes depicted by two masks, these signs are frequently associated with being two-faced. Whether that's true or not is up for debate, but either way, the cocktail mixer these signs are has to be one that can appear one way and taste another. So, if the Gemini were any cocktail mixer on the bar cart, they'd be tonic water.

Ever ordered a vodka soda and tasted it, only to get an unexpectedly bitter taste? That's probably because they gave you a vodka tonic. Vodka soda and vodka tonic are two of the most common cocktail mixers. Both being bubbly and clear, they're often used interchangeably depending on which is available, and often without notice to the person ordering — that is, until they take their first sip. While soda water is flavorless, tonic water has a very distinct, bitter taste that can shock your senses if you're not expecting it.

To be clear, it's unfair to generalize. The real reason why they're represented by twins is because they're often very busy people, who could do well with a clone. That'd be the only way for these signs to do everything they want to. But we also can't ignore the gossip. After all, these signs surely don't!


Cancers are the kind of loyal friends everyone needs in their life. These signs are empathetic and understanding to the point that you rarely ever have to explain yourself to them. They're also natural caretakers, big jokesters, and devoted partners. But that's only if you can get that far. Like the crustaceans that represent them, Cancers like to put up hard shells. For that reason, they can come off as cold and even distant at first. But it's only because they're so sensitive that they feel the need to be so self-protective.

When they let the wrong people in, Cancers can easily get walked all over. But they aren't totally innocent, either. These signs have been guilty of using their emotions to manipulate others, too. For good or for bad, at the end of the day, Cancers are almost sweet to a fault. Fortunately, the cocktail mixer they'd be is too — but for all the right reasons. That's right; if the Cancer were any cocktail mixer on the shelf, they'd be simple syrup. Made from equal parts sugar and water, this cocktail mixer is the key ingredient to achieving the perfect cocktail sweetness.

Too much simple syrup and your drink will be too sweet, not enough, and you might not even be able to drink it. But, with the right ratio, you'll strike just the right amount — something these signs could learn from.


Ruled by the sun, it's no secret that Leos have a certain star quality to them. It also isn't unbeknownst that they have a tendency to assume that the world revolves around them. Still, while they might be attention-seeking and a tad bit over dramatic, there's something about these signs that make them impossible to ignore. Maybe it's their sunny energy, or their love for life, or maybe, just maybe, it's their ability to make every day feel like summer. It would make sense, seeing as they're born during the peak. All of that being said, if the Leo were any kind of cocktail mixer, they'd have to be one that's an absolute necessity for sipping in the sun.

If the Leo were any cocktail mixer, they'd be ice. This ingredient is an absolute necessity for making chilled cocktails all year round – whether they're shaken with it or poured on top of it. Obviously, a lukewarm cocktail is never ideal, but especially not in the summer when you need that iced cold drink the most. It can be a struggle to make cocktails that don't melt too fast any time of the year, but no matter how hot they are in the summer, boozy slushies rarely last. Most of the time, you're left with a diluted puddle of something you thought you ordered. There are ways to keep them from melting, however. And if anyone needs them, it's the Leo.


Organized, self-sufficient, and always on time – you can probably understand why Virgos are seen as the most productive of all the zodiac signs. A lot of this sign's self-esteem comes down to how many things they're able to get done, and most of their days revolve around some sort of a to-do list. Interestingly enough, they also happen to be the biggest perfectionists, too. These signs are the first to notice even the most minor flaw or mistake, and while it certainly comes with some down sides, it comes with just as many ups — one being that these signs are much more prone to building and maintaining healthy habits.

Having said all that, the cocktail mixer that these signs would be is none other than juice. But not just any juice — fresh juice, the kind that makes all the difference in juice cocktails. Now, sitting and squeezing your oranges, lemons or limes by hand might sound like a lot of unnecessary work, but if you told these signs that was what they had to do to make a perfect cocktail, then they'd be all for it. It's not just reserved for citrus juices, either. You can make a cocktail with any fresh juice you like, even green juice. Paired with the right booze, these signs will be able to get in their greens and get a buzz at the same time. Now, that's productive.


Hanging a TV? Redesigning your bedroom? Or, maybe, looking for a new piece of art to hang on that one blank wall? Libras are the friends you should call. These signs are represented by the scale — notably the only non-living object of the zodiacs — because of their somewhat peculiar obsession with balance. It's something that these signs want to achieve in every aspect of their lives, including their relationships, but it's made most evident through their expensive taste in art and design.

These signs have a special eye for symmetry, making them skilled in virtually any field that relates to aesthetics. Everything they lend their eye to just comes out better than it would without it — you might not even be able to put your finger on why; it's just a certain "je ne sais quoi" they give. If the Libra were any kind of cocktail mixer, they'd be a liqueur. Be it St Germain or Lilette, or Aperol or Juliette, liqueurs give cocktails a rich depth of flavor and balance that elevates any drink.


Scorpios are one of the more recognizable zodiac signs on the calendar, but, again, it's not necessarily for the best reasons. These signs are known first and foremost for their mysteriousness, and while it does mean you can trust them to keep a secret, it also means they're almost always keeping one from you, too. Scorpios, also, aren't preoccupied with being liked by anyone. They actually couldn't care less about the approval of others, and they're definitely not the people you want to mess with. Yes, these signs are loyal and kind, or they can be when they want to be. If you betray them, however, they'll make sure you pay for it — whether it's in this lifetime or the next.

That might sound extreme, but that's how these signs are. Often confused for being fire signs, the Scorpio's moods and emotions tend to range from one end of the spectrum to the other — and they'll never forget how you made them feel. That's why, if the Scorpio were any cocktail mixer, they could only be bitters. Not because they are bitter (although that depends on who you ask), but because their presence is always felt, no matter what. Bitters are intense, and you really only need a dash or two to get their flavor to come through. From coffee to chocolate and orange to Angostura bitters and Peychaud's bitters, when bitters are added to the mix, you can always tell.


Represented by the archer, Sagittariuses are brazen and bold, with a truly free-spirited outlook. They're known as the adventurers of the zodiac, but it's really their innate sense of optimism that makes them so daring. Unlike a lot of us, Sagittariuses aren't afraid of change. In fact, they crave it. These signs embrace all seasons of life, seeing every change as a chance to grow and learn. They hate to be tied down by rules and expectations, and much of what they set out to achieve defies what others would deem possible. It's not so much about the finish line as it is about the journey to it, and no sign knows it better than they do.

While they certainly have their moments (they're all too often blunt, and even more too often big-mouthed and brutally honest) the Sagittarius's positive attitude makes them impossible people to stay mad at. Plus, it can be incredibly refreshing to spend time around someone so genuinely optimistic. Knowing that, the cocktail mixer these signs are would have to be as refreshing as they are — which is why they'd be ginger beer, not to be confused with ginger ale. Bright and bubbly, with that slightly spicy hit of fresh ginger, ginger beer brings a welcome sweetness to cocktails that nobody can deny.


Out of all the other signs on the zodiac calendar, Capricorns are undoubtedly considered the most career oriented. Their work ethic is unmatched — and it's no wonder why. These signs are confident, responsible, goal oriented, and driven. Represented by the sea goat (a mythical creature that's half goat and half fish), Capricorns climb mountain after mountain. What many people don't know about them, however, is that they're actually big party animals. While it might be rare, when you get these signs out of the office, they're the life of the party. That's why sign's cocktail mixer will only help them dance the night away after a long day at work: coffee.

Capricorns work harder than anybody, and they deserve to let loose. Often times, they're so preoccupied with the next goal that they hardly give themselves the chance to celebrate all they've already accomplished. Other times, they're working late and simply can't make it to the party. But, on the rare occasion that they do, you better believe their first cocktail is going to have coffee in it. Be it an espresso martini or a carajillo, a coffee cocktail is just what they need to transition from work mode into party mode — which is why coffee is exactly the cocktail mixer they'd be. With it, these signs will be dancing into the late night and still make it to work in the morning.


If Aquariuses are known for being anything, it's for being different — and in the best way possible. As the humanitarians of the zodiac, these signs value their individuality more than anything else. They're attracted to people and things that don't exist within the wider society's normalized perception, and they take great care to not get caught up in any mode of group or collective thinking. It all goes hand in hand with their desire to make the world a better place because the only way to do that is by including everyone — and those who are typically left out, especially. It's exactly that kind of forward thinking that makes these signs such great trendsetters.

Aquariuses aren't afraid of standing out in a crowd. In fact, they prefer it. It's for this very reason that they're always ahead of the trends, and that's exactly why if they were any cocktail mixer, they'd be one that's considered one of the most important ingredients to elevating mocktails: aquafaba. In the ever-growing trend of low-alcohol and non-alcohol cocktails, heat and texture are two of the most imperative for making drinks that both taste and feel like the real thing. Aquafaba, in turn, is one of the most efficient ways of achieving an alcohol-like mouthfeel without the ABV. Plus, it's vegan-friendly — something these humanitarians should appreciate. 


Pisces are a bit difficult to distinguish from the rest of the zodiac signs because they pick up the personalities of whoever they're around, which is only a testament to their ability to connect with anyone. Many believe that these signs are extra intuitive because, being the last sign on the calendar, they inherit all of the wisdom of the other zodiacs. But, rather than making these signs logical, it only makes them more sensitive. A lot of their skills are ones that aren't valued in corporate or professional culture, including things like creativity and emotional awareness. It's why, more or less of the time, they end up making talented artists.

Pisces have wide imaginations. In fact, they're so wide that they're actually represented by fish swimming in opposite directions. In turn, these signs can easily become distracted by their own fantasies and it's not uncommon to catch them daydreaming. Their minds are just somewhere else, and the only way to bring them back to earth is by allowing them to bring their internal world to life, most often through art and creation. But that's why, if they were any cocktail mixer, they'd be vermouth. With just a couple of bottles, you open your bar up to an entire world of cocktail creation, which these signs will more than happily take advantage of.