Pipe Chocolate On Your Cookies For An Elegant, Tasty Design

Why leave pretty ribbons of chocolate for cakes and cupcakes? Even a basic cookie deserves a bit of embellishment. Piping delicate lines onto batches of buttery sugar cookies and simple shortbread cookies is the easiest way to add extra pizazz to your next baker's dozen. Whether you're planning to host a themed party or simply want to surprise a loved one, geometric designs and adorable shapes can delight friends and family alike.

Instead of reaching for royal icing to slather on top of your cookies, consider melting and tempering white or dark chocolate to coat each piece. The glossy texture will give way to an irresistible toothy sweetness that enhances your cookies, and you can customize batches to create aesthetically pleasing treats of your wildest cookie fantasies. You don't even need to use freshly baked cookies for this instant upgrade as store-bought cookies can be easily spruced up with a fine line of chocolate.

The most challenging aspect of this decorating technique might be mastering the melt. You can use a Proofer to melt chocolate pieces while your cookies are baked in the oven so that when the cookies are cooled, the melted chocolate is ready to go. Consider embellishing your melted chocolate by adding spices like finely ground cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, or even chili for a peppier kick.

You don't need to be a culinary artist to create beautiful designs

When you're ready to start decorating, use a piping bag or a plastic bag with a small hole cut into a corner to trace tempered chocolate across the surface of your cookies. If your hand is unsteady, practice drawing swirls onto a piece of parchment paper or plastic cutting board before attempting your cookie designs. Layer foundations of white chocolate and add swirls of darker chocolate on top, or sprinkle edible gold flakes and decorating sprinkles on top of the chocolate for an elevated touch. 

Once you're ready to bring even more flair to your decorations, make holographic chocolate to impress the cookie-loving guests at your next party. For a floral finish, edible flowers can be pressed into the chocolate before it is left to set, or you can crown your chocolatey treats with toasted coconut flakes, sesame seeds, or chopped almonds and walnuts. Before you know it, you'll have a plate of chocolate-coated cookies that are not only impressive to serve but also delicious to eat.