Place the bell peppers skin-side down on a foil-lined baking sheet. Add the quartered onion and garlic and cover with olive oil and ½ tablespoon each of salt and pepper.
Roast the peppers, garlic, and onion for 30-40 minutes, or until pepper skin is blistered and garlic is soft. Remove the peppers and place into a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let steam until cooled.
Once the peppers are cooled (about 10 minutes) peel skins off and roughly chop. Chop the onion and squeeze the softened garlic out of the bulb.
Heat a deep skillet over medium heat. Add whole tomatoes and crush with the back of a spoon. Once crushed, add diced tomatoes, cumin, paprika, sumac, cinnamon, and coriander and stir together to combine. Bring to a simmer.
Add the chopped onion, pepper, and roasted garlic and stir to combine.
Create 4 wells in the tomato mixture and crack eggs into each well. Cover the skillet and simmer until egg whites are opaque and yolk is lightly covered in whites.
Remove from the heat and sprinkle with the remaining salt, pepper, and chopped parsley.