14 Ingredients To Add Flavor To Canned Clam Chowder
1. Sauteed Alliums
Sauteed alliums (onions, garlic, and other related vegetables) will add complexity, savoriness, and sweetness to your soup, lending it a little homemade flavor.
Canned clam chowder can lack balance, so it’s good to add pungent, sharp, or acidic ingredients, such as chiles, to cut through the thick broth and wake up your palate.
If you're using ham, you can simply dice it and add it to the pot as you're heating your chowder. For bacon, cut it into small pieces and crisp it up in a pan.
For condensed soup, replace some of the water with cream when you're diluting it. For non-condensed products, simply mix a tablespoon or two into the hot chowder before serving.
For those worried about curdling, instead of squeezing in some juice, garnish your bowl with grated citrus rind. This will perfume your soup with the aroma of the fruit.