Homemade Italian Spaghetti Algio e Olio with Garlic and Parmesan
Food - Drink
Aglio E Olio Is As Simple As Neapolitan Pasta Can Get
Whether you forgot to stop at the grocery store or ran out of time to menu plan, looking into the pantry only to see mostly empty shelves has happened to the best of us. It's times like these when Italian culinary wisdom can save you from a bland meal, and you’re sure to already have the ingredients for a delicious Neapolitan aglio e olio pasta.
Aglio e olio, meaning garlic and oil, is a simple dish combining pasta, oil, and garlic, and although the dish sounds easy, it can be a bit tricky to get right. To bring out the sweetness of your garlic, submerge it in oil and cook on low heat, then add your cooked pasta — long noodles work best — and top with chili flakes, parsley, or cheese for added flavor.
While aglio e olio can be found throughout Italy, it is believed to have originated in Naples, which is famous for a style of Italian cooking called “cucina povera,” or “poor cooking.” Cucina povera emphasizes simple, affordable food with no waste, and is also responsible for the creation of Naples’ more famous dish, pizza.