Break Out The Waffle Iron To Transform Leftover French Fries
Leftover fries can feel like limp, cold, unsalvageable remnants of their former selves. To revive them to their former crunchy and delicious state, all you need is a waffle iron.
Simply throw leftover fries into a waffle iron to transform them into a giant, waffle fry with the same crispy exterior and tender interior you loved when they were fresh.
The fries' residual oil lubricates the cast iron for easy removal while re-frying the potato waffle. You can layer the fries in a crosshatch pattern for a more defined waffle form.
The waffle iron can transform any style of fry that needs reviving, from curly fries to wedges. A greater mass of fries will render a more cohesive and texturally balanced waffle.