A bowl of pesto sauce with spoon
Extra Firm Tofu Is The Secret To Creamy Vegan Pesto Sauce
Tofu is the ideal base for vegan pesto sauce that is as creamy as a version with cheese, cream, or milk. When blended thoroughly, the tofu will make the sauce silky and rich.
Tofu's neutral flavor also works as the perfect blank slate for the flavors in a classic pesto. If you want a thinner sauce, you can just add more liquid.
You can use silken tofu for the easiest blending job, but extra-firm tofu will result in a thicker sauce. You'll need a quality blender to make firmer tofu perfectly smooth.
Combine your tofu of choice, fresh basil, walnuts, nutritional yeast, olive oil, and any other ingredients you'd like in your pesto. Blend into a uniform sauce and enjoy.
Besides the usual basil pesto, you can also add tofu to a sun-dried tomato pesto, a citrus pesto, or any other pesto to transform the recipe into an ultra-creamy vegan version.