Food - Drink
Signs Your Pineapple Has Gone Bad
Pineapples are not the easiest to cut, but the bounty of juicy sweet-tart fruit beneath the spiny skin is always worth it. However, if you've been putting off the labor of cutting a whole pineapple and your fruit is starting to look a little off, this is how to tell if you can save it or if you should throw it away.
The shelf life of a whole pineapple lasts for two to three days at room temperature or four to five days in the fridge. If you can't remember when you bought your pineapple, check to see if the leaves are brown, loose, wilted, or falling off, then look at the bottom of the fruit to see if it's mushy, wet, or moldy.
LEAFtv adds that if the skin of your pineapple is orange, dark gold, or brown instead of green or yellow, the fruit inside has probably spoiled. You may also see white, fuzzy spots of mold, and if you sniff the bottom of the pineapple and it smells like chemicals, alcohol, or vinegar, that means the fruit has started to ferment.
Also, if you squeeze a bad pineapple, it will feel soft and spongy, and if you cut into the fruit and most of the flesh is mushy and brown, it's rotten. However, if your pineapple has none of the aforementioned signs of spoilage, but has just a few brown spots on the flesh, you may be able to cut these parts away and eat the rest of the fruit.