Food - Drink
The 2 Ways To Fold Laminated Dough
Laminating dough for pastries requires a lot of rolling and folding to create distinct, airy layers; however, melting butter or improper folding will leave you with a heavy, bready texture instead. Lamination is the process of folding layers of butter between layers of dough and there are two main methods — the envelope fold and the book fold.
The most common method is the envelope fold, which creates a three-layered fold by taking one end of the dough and folding it to the middle, then taking the other and folding it on top, just like an envelope. The dough is lightly rolled and chilled in the fridge before the next fold, or turn as it's called, multiplying the previous number of layers by three.
The book fold method involves taking both ends of the dough and folding them towards the middle until they meet, so your dough looks like an open book with the middle crease. By folding one side over the other, like a book, you create a four-layered turn instead of the envelope fold's three layers, resulting in an ever greater number of layers.