All the curves of a jumping wild Chinook Salmon can be seen in this close up
Food - Drink
The Colorful Farmed Salmon Myth You Should Stop Believing
Salmon has a tasty, mild flavor that makes it incredibly versatile, so it’s no surprise that it’s the second-most common type of seafood in the U.S. This high demand has resulted in salmon farms, and some people have misconceptions about farmed salmon versus wild-caught, including the idea that farmed salmon is unnaturally "dyed."
Farmed salmon are fed natural or synthesized astaxanthin (a red-orange chemical) to give their flesh a pink color, and it would be gray without it. Companions are required to label this addition of astaxanthin as added coloring, so while the color of these farmed salmon may not occur naturally, this does not automatically mean it’s bad for you.
Wild salmon get their astaxanthin from their diet of shrimp and krill, and this chemical is even sold as an antioxidant supplement. While astaxanthin does "dye" farmed salmon, it's still a nature-oriented pigment that won't hurt you, and whether salmon has an innate or manufactured pink color doesn't determine its taste, quality, or healthfulness.