Grilled salmon fillets sprinkled with fresh herbs and lemon juice on a grill plate top view
Food - Drink
The Kitchen Tool You Should Avoid When Cooking Fish
Pieces of raw salmon with herbs and lemon slices
No matter how you choose to prepare fish, you never want to overcook it or disturb the outer layer of the flesh, which should ideally be crispy and trap the flavorful juices inside. If you make the mistake of using this common kitchen tool when cooking fish, your filet might end up with a dry interior and mangled exterior.
Hands using tongs to flip a piece of fish in a skillet
Tongs may be your go-to tool for flipping hefty steaks or chicken thighs, but it’s not right for seafood, since fish is more delicate with shorter muscle fibers and fewer connective tissues. Handling your fish roughly or poking at it too much can cause it to lose its shape or even fall apart, not to mention it'll cook unevenly.
Pieces of cooked salmon on paper with herbs
Even if you're cooking a thick and sturdy piece of fish, squeezing it between tongs puts a lot of pressure on its outer layer and can squeeze out all those juices you want to keep locked in. The best way to flip fish is to gently clasp it between two spatulas and very gently turn it over, or, if you’re in a pinch, two spoons will do.