July 30, 2010 09/14/2009 A soldier with the Armed Forces for the Defense of Mozambique (FADM) holds a buffalo chicken Meal Ready to Eat (MRE). As a part of  Exercise Shared Accord 2010, Marines handed out MREs to members of FADM in the city of Moamba. Shared Accord is an annual, scheduled, bi09/14/2009lateral field training exercise aimed at conducting small unit infantry and staff training with partner nations for the purpose of peace and stability operations.
Food - Drink
The Military MRE That Ranks Highly
MRE stands for Meals, Ready to Eat, and the prepackaged, vacuum-sealed food designed to feed soldiers was created by the U.S. military in 1975. Each MRE comes with an entrée, side dish, and bread/cracker, as well as a drink and dessert, but with 24 unique types of MREs, not all of them are equal when it comes to taste.
Vet Friends lists beef ravioli, beef stew, chili with beans, and shredded BBQ beef in the list of top five MREs, with the number one being chili mac. On the other hand, beef enchilada, chicken a la king, dehydrated beef and pork patties, veggie burger, and veggie omelet (aka “vomelet”) are listed as the five worst MREs of all time.
Per Today, both veterans and active duty military members enjoy chili mac, with Today writer Kait Hanson, who tried it, saying it was accompanied by a beef stick, carrot pound cake, crackers, grape drink, jalapeño cheese, and Skittles. Hanson used the provided plastic bag and water-activated heat source to heat up her MRE and found the meal to be filling.