A honey dipper with honey pouring off of it.
Food - Drink
The World's Oldest Jar Of Honey Is From 3500 BC
A rustic jar of honey and honeycombs on a dark background.
For much of the last century, historians believed that the oldest known jars of honey were in Egypt, but a discovery in 2003 found trace remnants of honey on ceramic vessels inside tombs in the nation of Georgia. Proof of how and where the honey was stored has further enlightened scholars about the intellect and customs of the ancient world.
Honeycombs on paper with honey pouring over them.
The honey discovered in the Georgian tombs dates back 2,000 years further than the 3,000-year-old jars found in Egypt. This led researchers to believe that Georgia not only had the first known winemakers in recorded history, but potentially the first recorded beekeepers as well, which is why Georgia claims to be the birthplace of honey.
A beekeeper pulling bees out of a hive box.
Georgians utilized honey for medicinal purposes in burial processes. Berries cured in honey and containers of pure meadow flower, berry, and linden honey each were buried with the deceased as sweet treats to enjoy in the afterlife; in some cases, honey was part of the embalming process itself, leading to exquisitely preserved artifacts.