Food - Drink
Tips You Need When Cooking With Different Types Of Olive Oil
It is a common misconception that "light" olive oils are healthier or lower in calories; "light" simply means that the oil is extra-refined, giving it a milder flavor and lighter color. Different olive oils also necessitate different cooking techniques, and light olive oil has a higher smoke point, making it suitable for high-heat frying and sauteing.
Regular olive oil is a little less refined and slightly more flavorful than "light" olive oil, and works great as a catch-all cooking oil. It can withstand somewhat high heat and gives a classic, but not overpowering oil oil flavor to seafoods and meats; it's also great for infusing with herbs and garlic to use as a finishing oil.
"Virgin" olive oil must be unrefined, meaning producers can’t use heat or chemicals while making it. Since it’s unheated, virgin olive oil has more flavor and richness but it's not held to the same standards as extra-virgin olive oil and defects can be present; use virgin olive oil in forgiving dishes like roasted vegetables or baked goods.
As the gold standard of olive oil, extra virgin olive oil’s intense flavor makes it an excellent choice for salad dressings and marinades, as a dipping oil, or drizzled on top of finished dishes. However, its low smoke point of 350 degrees Fahrenheit means it can burn while cooking, so it’s recommended to use this oil uncooked, straight from the bottle.