Fruits gallery in Lemon garden of Sorrento at summer
Food - Drink
What Makes Italy's Amalfi Lemons Unique
What Are Amalfi Lemons?
The Sfusato Amalfitano or Limone Costa d’Amalfi is a juicy, sweet, and aromatic lemon that can be recognized by its elongated shape and tapered edges. The lemon dates back to the 11th century when Italian locals crossbred small, sour lemons brought by Middle Eastern merchants with local, bitter oranges.
How Do They Taste?
The flavor of Amalfi lemons is almost indescribable if you’re only familiar with the mouth-puckering tartness of a typical lemon. The lemons are ultra-juicy with a surprisingly sweet yet complex flavor and a pith that’s more mild than bitter, making it possible to eat these lemons like you would an orange.
Growing These Lemons
Terroir is a big part of Amalfi lemons, and the region is almost constantly covered in sunshine balanced by a cooling coastal breeze. Growing the lemons is a labor of love as the rocky terrain requires them to be hand-picked, and their water is carefully monitored to keep the aromas and flavors concentrated.
Fresh vs. Processed
Amalfi lemons are best fresh, but you can also get them candied, baked into treats, dehydrated, as a marmalade, or dried and pulverized into a flavorful powder. None of these versions are quite as charming as fresh Sfusato, but the lemons are becoming harder to find due to a lack of qualified farmers to continue the tradition.
How to Eat Sfusato
Sfusato lemons can be enjoyed plain, or seasoned with a touch of olive oil, salt or sugar, and mint leaves. Plus, there are endless ways to transform the citrus into sweet, savory, and drinkable delights, like squeezed over a meal, used as a garnish, zested or juiced into sauces, broths, or desserts, or in limoncello.