Pitcher of lemonade next to lemons
Why Thin-Skinned Lemons Are Better For Lemonade
Hand juicing lemon half
When it comes to making lemonade, especially in big batches, juicing lemon after lemon can be taxing. However, you can avoid juicing lemons altogether by using thin-skinned lemons.
Whole and halved Meyer lemons
If you opt for thinner skinned lemons, like Meyer, Eureka or dwarf lemons, you can just throw them into the blender with other ingredients and strain it all for a bracing lemonade.
Meyer lemons are as fragrant as regular lemons yet juicier, and Eureka lemons are very low in seeds. Dwarf Meyer lemons are very juicy and way less tart than many other varieties.
Their white pith will also add a hint of bitterness. You can also use regular lemons with thin skin; they won't have nubby ends and will feel smooth with a mild give when squeezed.