Open case of Nespresso pods
You Can Actually Use Some Nespresso Pods To Get Vitamins
Nespresso offers three coffees listed in a category called Coffee +, explained as "coffees with extra benefits." One is Nespresso Vivida, which contains an infusion of Vitamin B12.
A cup of Vivida coffee contains 20% of the recommended daily amount of B12. B12 balances immune responses, prevents birth defects, and supports bones, eyes, skin, and hair.
Nespresso's Vivida coffee is a medium roast with notes of honey and cereal, and it's intended to be consumed as a classic Americano-style cup of coffee.
As of April 2024, Vivida isn't available in capsules fitting "original" Nespresso machines and only comes in the larger, round, bar-coded pods used in Nespresso Vertuo machines.