Banana peel
Food - Drink
You Can Make A Vegan Bacon Substitute From Banana Peels
Banana peels contain the same nutrients of vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium as the fruit itself, and they are often used in many cultures around the globe as a substitute for meat. If you’re following the meatless or low-waste lifestyle, you now have the option of using banana peels if you’re missing the taste of sizzling bacon.
As it turns out, converting the peels to a meat alternative is easier than you think; all they need is a little marination and heat. Per Real Simple, marinate your banana peels in a mixture of vegan Worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, onion powder, garlic, and other common barbecue seasonings; however, you can use whatever seasonings you like.
It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken, on the other hand, uses a mixture of soy sauce, maple syrup, smoked paprika in its recipe — and emphasizes the importance of very ripe banana peels. Once the banana peels have had anywhere from 10 minutes to three hours of time to marinade, heat the strips in a pan over medium heat to your desired crispiness.