The Single Ingredient Fix For Canned Fruit That's Too Sweet

As far as pantry staples go, canned fruit is the sweetest. We mean that figuratively, because it's an efficient, convenient way to keep healthy snacks and ingredients stable for an extended time, because there are tons of different dishes you can make with canned fruit, and because there are so many varieties that are treats in their own way. But we also mean it literally. Canning is a way to preserve fruits, even keeping their vitamins intact. But to maintain fruit's full flavor as well as its appearance, brands and home canners often use sugar syrups. While there are differences between heavy and light syrups for canned fruit, the result is the same: significantly sweet-tasting fruit. What do you do if you want your canned peaches or pears to tip back toward balanced and away from cloying? Just squeeze in a little citrus juice.

Citrus juice is a reliable burst of brightness, acidity, sourness, and tartness. It's the ideal foil for anything too sweet. It will instantly cut that sugary character with a refreshing pop, highlighting the fruit's own complex flavors. The most important thing to remember is to start slowly and add the citrus juice to taste. Once you've got your canned fruit in a bowl, add one squeeze, stir, and test — a little acidity makes a big impact. Adjust accordingly, too. If you're adding the canned fruit to an overall dish, like a salad with zingy, herbs, they bring their own balance to the table.

Different juices for different fruits and other ways to cut sweetness

Lemon and lime juices are the most obvious go-to's for brightening canned fruit, but any citrus will do the trick. You can get creative with your pairings. Peaches are a canned classic, but especially sweet. Grapefruit juice would not only lend acidity and tartness but would also elevate those juicy notes with an herby, botanical twist. Meanwhile, canned pears are also sweet but have their own earthiness that grapefruit juice would be in perfect harmony with. Yuzu juice is also a great pear pairing, as it mingles lemon and orange qualities with herbaceousness. Yuzu would work wonders with sweet, earthy canned lychees, too. Canned pineapples do boast a hint of acidity; bring that out further and play up its tropical vibes with a splash of orange or lime juice — or, for full beach cocktail inspiration, both. 

If you're looking for other ways to cut the sweetness of canned fruit, a couple would not only succeed on their own but would be total game-changers alongside the citrus juice. You can add heat by sprinkling in some chili pepper or Tajin, or a subtler but still delectable combination of spices like ginger and cardamom. You can also add in those herbs as if you're going to make a more complex salad or a salsa — mint, cilantro, and basil are dreamy with fruit. And all of the above would be delicious tied together with a burst of citrus.