Love & Carrots Home Garden Shop

Grow your dream bounty with two garden elves

Good gardens need patience, water, sunshine and some Love & Carrots.

This new, hippie-sounding Bloomingdale company has set out to cultivate, tend and even harvest home gardens.

To green home yards with organic produce, cofounders Saren O'Grady and Meredith Sheperd combined their backgrounds in urban gardening and sustainable agriculture. It's a field the pair knows well: Sheperd formerly managed a farm that supplied produce to CityZen.

The duo can tackle tiny box gardens, small plots (starting at $400), and entire yards. The service options range from co-planting with a client to controlling all maintenance and harvest throughout the season.

Eager to help people appreciate and utilize their bounty, Sheperd and O'Grady will even help pickle, preserve and jar, leaving you with dilly beans, jam and other pantry-stable transformations of those bumper crops.

The gardeners are avid teachers who will patiently explain garden organization and best practices as they work.

Their teaching expands beyond home gardens, too. This summer, Love & Carrots is working on restoring the teaching garden at Cardozo Senior High School to help inform students about healthy, organic food.

802-363-9643 or
