Music Makes An Eating Experience Even Better

New ways to eat with your mouth--and ears

Eating is a sensory experience, but one that is historically yoked to taste and smell.

No longer. Chefs and home cooks are incorporating aural components into their repertoires, expanding the center of the food-sound Venn diagram. Here are a few of our favorite ways to satisfy the twin passions:

Eat At the temporary New York restaurant What Happens When, each month brings a new concept, including a special soundtrack, this go-round by Joshua Benyard. In Los Angeles, chef John Sedlar offers an audio tour of his restaurant, Rivera; at the risk of being rude, use your phone to hear details about dishes, their histories and ingredients.

Click Blogger Zach Brooks has already shown New Yorkers and Angelenos where to score an affordable midday meal on his site Midtown Lunch. Now he's connecting chefs and music with Food is the New Rock, where you'll find out bands' favorite restaurants and chefs' favorite bands (David Chang loves Pavement). For dinner-party menu and playlist inspiration look to Turntable Kitchen, the project of Kasey and Matthew Hickey from the San Francisco Bay Area. She handles recipes while he offers musical pairings as well as album reviews.

Go Washington, D.C.'s, conscientious salad slinger, Sweetgreen, is hosting its annual Sweetlife Music Festival on May 1 and the lineup is sweet indeed: Hear such scheduled acts as the Strokes and Girl Talk while enjoying food prepared from local produce.
