The Genius Deviled Egg Topping Alex Guarnaschelli Adds For A Salty Crunch

Sure, hard boiled eggs are an easy snack and an excellent source of protein, but why not cut 'em in half, scoop out the flesh, mix it with mayonnaise and mustard, and eat it all together? Well, according to the North Carolina Egg Association, the ancient Romans did just that, and have since created the unofficial ruler of finger foods. In fact, across the world, deviled eggs are also often called "stuffed eggs," "dressed eggs," or "mimosa eggs." They're easy to make on your own, with different variations like truffle, basil pesto, and crab to name a few. However, Food Network's Alex Guarnaschelli has some tricks up her sleeve, with deviled eggs being one of them.

The Butter executive chef and TV personality has been giving away her savvy kitchen secrets for years now, with credibility due to her 30 years of experience in restaurants. Now, she's bringing a salty crunch to the whites of her deviled eggs thanks to one common ingredient.

Crumbled potato chips add textural contrast

Chef Alex Guarnaschelli revealed to Food & Wine that she dips the whites of her hard boiled eggs into crushed up potato chips. "Think about when you put an egg in your mouth. The first thing that hits your tongue is the white, not the yolk, right? The yolk is on the roof of your mouth. So if there's crunchy chips on the underside, that's almost more dramatic than a tasty topping that's actually on top," said Guarnaschelli.

This technique is the celebrity chef's attempt to bring the egg white into the spotlight, since the creamy filling is often the center of attention. In order to switch it up, Guarnaschelli also dusts her egg whites with spices and salt before adding in the creamy filling, which adds dimension and hits of new flavors.

Lastly, the "Supermarket Stakeout" star explains that the foundation to a perfect deviled egg is cooking it just right. First, add large-sized eggs to a pot with cold water, and bring the water to a boil. Once boiling, turn the heat off, cover the pot, and let them sit in the residual heat for 10 minutes before draining. From there, simply rinse and peel the eggs. Voila! No signs of under or over cooking.
