How Bricks Will Help You Grill Kebabs Like A Pro

From Turkish-style kebabs to yakitori to Thai satay, skewered meats are found in an extensive array of global interpretations. No surprise, as searing over fire is the world's oldest cooking method. Although there are many modern technologies to optimize grilling, there's still merit in keeping it simple. The secret to producing delicious meat on a stick is straightforward: maintain proximity to the flame.

When meat is prepared closer to the fire, it develops a tastier texture, as well as more delicious charred bits. Plus, the heat application is more concentrated, which is a crucial factor. Some grills are built for the job, like the Eurasian mangal and Japanese konro, but there's no need to commit to a new setup. Instead, wrap bricks in aluminum foil and place them into any charcoal grill. Propped up at the perfect distance apart, they'll create an ideal bed where you can rotate kebabs and create delicious results. Let's dive into the details.

Utilize bricks for closer heat contact when grilling

A propped brick setup functions with any fire-proof, flat-bottomed grill or wire mesh rack. It just needs to have dimensions wide enough to fit the two bricks, spaced apart allowing about ¾ of the skewer length in between. Position the bricks on their narrow side to optimize their height and constrain the setup. If you're using regular garden-variety red bricks, wrap them in aluminum foil to maintain food safety; alternatively, utilize fire bricks specially designed for heating.

In addition to establishing closer proximity to the fire, this brick hack also concentrates the embers. All of the coals are laid between the two bricks, which intensifies their heat. So make sure to pay extra close attention during cooking; the process will take less time, and you'll have to turn your skewers more frequently. If you're feeling extra savvy, the grill can be relinquished altogether. Construct the entire setup using only bricks, crafting delicious meat skewers among the masonry remnants. Just make sure to clear the area of flammables and select a high-quality type of charcoal — the magic's all in the fire.