The Egg Consistency You're Looking For When Making Bread Pudding

It's a tale as old as time. You decide to salvage your stale bread by transforming it into a rich bread pudding, and instead of getting that beautiful soft, custard-style texture that is synonymous with this dessert, you wind-up with something that looks more like it is covered in scrambled eggs. That's not the taste or texture you are going for with this sweet. If you've fallen victim to this type of eggy result with your bread pudding, don't worry, there is an easy trick to help ensure it doesn't happen again. You simply need to beat the egg yolk and the whites until they are truly combined. 

Bread pudding's magic is how the old, dried bread can be re-invigorated with a mixture of milk, eggs, and sugar that it soaks up like a sponge, but when the eggs aren't properly beaten you have a separation of the beaten yolk from the beaten whites which gives you the scrambled egg look and flavor. To combat this issue, concentrate on your technique. If you don't feel proficient using a fork or whisk, break out the handheld mixer or immersion blender and beat the eggs until they reach what is known as the ribbon stage.  

Texture, color, and volume

The ribbon stage is when your eggs have been beaten to perfection. While you generally use the ribbon technique when you make a cake like Tres Leches, it also works wonders for bread pudding. What are you looking for? The texture of your beaten eggs should be foamy; the color is pale; and there is an increase in volume. To achieve this state, it takes between three to five minutes of constant and consistent whisking or beating, depending on your chosen kitchen tool.  

Egg temperature can also affect how the yolk and whites blend together. It's recommended you start with room temperature eggs, but if you forget, cold will still work. It just might take a little longer to get your eggs looking the way you want them to. But regardless of cold or room temperature, make certain your eggs are fresh. Older eggs are going to really make you work for the consistency.

Once your eggs are properly beaten, you can whisk in the other ingredients and the mixture will remain cohesive as it bakes and creates the creamy taste and texture you want with a bread pudding.