The Costco Pizza Topping You Can Find On The Food Court Menu

Denizens of the Costco food court are fanatical about the forever affordable hot dog meal deal, the unique chicken bake, and the gargantuan slices of pizza. That said, many are also fans of hacking the menu to create new and unusual items. For instance, the "Forbidden Glizzy" is a mashup of epic proportions that sees the famed quarter pound hot dog, sans bun, stuffed into the chicken bake. But that's not the only way to make use of the dog. If you can't decide whether to eat a slice of pizza or a hot dog, have the best of both worlds by adding the hot dog to the pizza as a topping. 

Understand that no hacks will be honored by the employees of Costco's food court. Rather, these must be made at your table. Simply order a hot dog and a slice of cheese pizza — or pepperoni if you want to double up on the meat — and remove the dog from its bun before slicing it into rounds and topping the pizza. It's not perfect, as the hot dog wasn't baked into the cheese, but if you act while everything is still warm, the hot dog rounds should stay in place. For a next-level hot dog pizza experience, try adding a drizzle of yellow mustard and some chopped raw white onions, which, by the way, are free and great on the pizza solo.

There's more than one way to hack a hot dog-pizza

Given the culture of food hacks and the popularity of Costco and its food court, it should come as little surprise that the above method of creating a hot dog-pizza hybrid at the big box store isn't the only method. For those whose hacks trend more toward stunt food, the move is to buy a hot dog and a slice of pizza and wrap the warm slice around the naked hot dog. Mustard and onions are again optional. Is it a particularly attractive foodstuff? Not by traditional standards, but then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The Costco food court hacks don't stop there, and the "Jochizza" is one of the more involved concoctions. This requires the purchase of a hot dog combo, a chicken bake, and a slice of pepperoni pizza. As with the "Forbidden Glizzy, the chicken bake is opened like a bun, and the hot dog is laid down the middle. Then, you carefully excise the cheese, sauce, and pepperoni from the pizza and layer it all over the hot dog. This may sound like a frontal assault of flavors and textures, and it is, but no one crafting a "Jochizza" is entering into the affair considering balance. It is decadence at its finest, and as your sodium levels spike, you may just wonder what other hacks there are to be had.