The Ultimate Trader Joe's Snack For Spicy And Savory Fans

Engineering the perfect snack is like hitting the hungry person's jackpot, and for those of us who worship at the altar of Trader Joe's pre-packed goods, we know the snack options are practically infinite. Whether you're craving salty, sweet, sour, or just about any other flavor you can think of, TJ's is there to provide. For the spicy and savory snack fan who wants maximum flavor and texture in each bite, Trader Joe's has the answer, and it's a doozy. 

Grab a bag of thin, savory crackers, a tin of smoked mussels, and a jar of the crunchy chili onion, and get to building. The crackers are thin and extremely crisp, but they serve more as the vehicle for the main event of the lightly smoked mussels and the spicy, crispy condiment. The mussels are savory with a hint of smoke and an unctuous texture from the olive oil, and the crunchy chili onion adds umami and a kick of heady spice for a bite that, for the devoted snacker, is truly unmatched.

The math behind this incredible snack is enshrined in a two-part equation: crunch plus mush, and savory plus spice. The thin crackers have a great crunch instead of crumbling and falling apart, and the savory mussels are a soft, al dente-esque texture for the perfect contrast. Add on that spicy, crunchy chili onion and you've got the important flavors and textures all present and accounted for.

Enhance each bite with some flavor-packed additions

The blend of savory thin crackers, lightly smoked mussels, and the crunchy chili onion topping is near perfection on its own, but that doesn't mean you can't add some enhancements to make it even better. Once again, we go back to the math of it all, adding in other textural and flavor elements to make for a well-balanced bite each time. Since the crunch is already accounted for with the cracker, adding components of richness and acid will only serve to improve the final product even further.

Start simple: take out your favorite European salted butter, let it soften slightly on your kitchen counter, and then spread a bit on the cracker before topping with a few mussels and a healthy drizzle of crunchy chili onion crisp. Alternatively, opt for a spreadable cheese, like a Laughing Cow or a whipped cream cheese, to add that rich, creamy quality while also injecting a wisp of sweetness too. To finish everything off, squeeze a few drops of fresh citrus on top — a lemon or a lime will both get the job done — for some added brightness and zest to really tie everything together. There's something almost therapeutic about finding the perfect snack for any time of day, and with this spicy-savory union locked down, your body and brain will thank you.