The Kitchen Tool You Need To Fix A Burnt Cake In Seconds

Whether for a birthday celebration or a weeknight dessert, if you're a home baker with an appreciation for sweets, you've likely baked a cake. And if you've baked a cake, chances are you've also had a mishap or two involving said bake. There are several mistakes that everyone makes with cake, and burning your creation definitely ranks high on the list of common fails. Whatever the reason your dessert got left in the oven for too long, a burnt cake is a less-than-appetizing occurrence that can't simply be remedied by an extra thick layer of frosting. All hope is not lost, though, because you can save your burnt cake with the help of a kitchen zester.

Traditionally used to get just the right amount of citrus peel into recipes like lemon spaghetti and key lime pie, a zester can also work to scrape off the burnt edges from your overbaked desserts. It's a great option for cake saving because it offers a gentle touch that essentially erases the burnt pieces gradually. It also allows you to shape the cake as you zest to keep your dessert structurally intact as you repair it. It's important to note that this handy hack won't work on all burnt cakes, especially if your cake has spent enough time in the oven that it's lost all tenderness, or turned a very dark color. As long as it hasn't reached that point of no return, this helpful tip can save you from having to throw away your cake and start all over.

Zesting away the burnt parts

To use a zester for quick and easy cake fixing, the first step is to wait until the cake is completely cooled. If it's still warm and crumbly, your cake is more susceptible to breaking. Once the cake has cooled, gently slide the zester along the overcooked edges in a smooth, sweeping motion. Work in small sections at a time following the natural shape of the cake. 

If the cake is excessively burnt on the top, you may want to use a bread knife to carefully remove, and level off, the top 1/4 inch of cake before using the zester to sculpt the edges. If your cake is very moist and large pieces crumble when you attempt to use the zester, place the cake into the refrigerator to chill until it's firm to the touch. Refrigerating the cake solidifies its fat, making the cake sturdier so you can gently zest away the burnt pieces without compromising its overall shape.

Since your overbaked cake has probably dried out a bit, you might also consider adding a simple no fuss syrup to help reintroduce moisture to its layers. Once the syrup has been absorbed, your cake will be ready for frosting. Don't forget to add a crumb coat before decorating your layers. Otherwise, because of the trimming, crumbs will likely end up in the frosting and throw off the presentation. This step will make frosting cake so much easier and mess-free leaving you with a beautiful and delicious final product that leaves no signs of repair.