Trader Joe's Popular Mini Sheet Cake Just Got A Pumpkin Spice Upgrade

September is here, which means the first day of fall is just around the corner. We're looking forward to warm ciders, colorful leaves, and Halloween parties; but everyone knows that Trader Joe's brings out the pumpkin-flavored treats this time of year, and we're ready for it. If sweets are your thing, you may already be familiar with Trader Joe's Mini Sheet Cakes, which come in Dark Chocolate Ganache and Chantilly Cream Vanilla Bean flavors and serve about six people. On brand with the 2023 fall catalog at Trader Joe's, the grocery store chain is mixing it up this year with its newest offering: the Pumpkin Spice Mini Sheet Cake.

Flavored with pumpkin purée and classic warming spices like cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg, the cake will be topped with a simple cream cheese frosting. The Pumpkin Spice Mini Sheet Cake will be available throughout the fall season, but it is only a seasonal offering. Whether this version of the TJ's Mini Sheet Cake will come back next year likely depends on demand, so we'll just have to wait and see. Regardless, now is the time to get your hands on one if you've got a sweet tooth.

A pumpkin spice treat to sweeten a chilly autumn evening

Although the Pumpkin Spice Mini Sheet Cake is shipping out with the rest of Trader Joe's fall favorites, your local store may or may not already have these in stock. Arrival times for seasonal products vary by location, so you'll just need to keep your eye out for this one in the coming weeks. It's worth mentioning that the nutritional facts for this product are packed with added sugar, cholesterol, and saturated fat; but it's dessert, not dinner, so feel free to indulge every once in a while. 

The fact that the Mini Sheet Cake doesn't need to be refrigerated does have us scratching our heads over what kind of preservatives have been pumped into this tasty morsel. But at this point, there are all kinds of questionable food additives in the American market and we can't let a healthy bit of skepticism get in the way of life's little luxuries. A pumpkin spice cake sounds like just the ticket to welcome in the new season.