The Costco Hack That Might Save You Time In The Food Court Line

It's been said you shouldn't grocery shop when you're hungry. We've all tried — and failed — to keep our hunger at bay while shopping, and Costco is one place where it's particularly challenging to honor this practice. There's just so much of everything enticing. The wholesale giant offers temptations at every corner, and if you're a seasoned Costco shopper you know that the process takes a while, and the aromas from the food court may have your stomach growling from the get-go. If you're craving that Costco pizza, hot dog, or turkey Swiss sandwich but can't bear the idea of waiting in line again after checking out, there's a quick hack you'll wish you knew sooner, and it might save you some time: You can place your food court order with the cashier at check out.

Whether you're trying to get in and out of the store efficiently, or you suddenly crave a snack, you don't necessarily have to stand through two lines. While this time-saving trick isn't widely advertised, most Costco locations are happy to accommodate you at the register and add your food order to your shopping bill. From there, just show your receipt at the pick-up counter of the food court, grab your goodies, and go. If you tend to have decision-making panic while in line, like some of us do, you can guarantee the process by making a simple phone call to the store before you head over and ask to add that food court chicken bake to the rest of your shopping bill.

Other time-saving Costco food court tricks

If you're interested in grabbing a buck-fifty hot dog for yourself, but also realize you need to bring home dinner, consider Costco's whole pizza, pre-ordered. Instead of worrying about the food court line just to get a take-out pizza, call your Costco's food court and order your pizza over the phone. You can get to the store, do your shopping, and pick up your pizza on the way out. It's an easy alternative for a busy workday that won't require multiple stops. Some simple tips on how to heat Costco pizzas at home (375 degrees Fahrenheit in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, or a few minutes in the air fryer) will have the family eating in no time.

Another method for ordering a pizza with no wait is to go directly to the food court self-serve kiosks. The membership club began consistent use of kiosks during the pandemic, and most locations use them. The addition of the kiosks is convenient, but some shoppers find the system irritating due to orders being filled based on size rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. However, if you are there to shop, you can go directly to the kiosk, place your order and pay, and pick it up on your way out of the store without having to wait. Whichever time-saving method you choose, you can get answers from our article on important questions about Costco's food court menu here before you head to the store.
