The Easy Way To Clean Those Dirty Squeeze Bottles In Your Kitchen
Squeeze bottles are brilliant for storing condiments and oils that you use on the regular, from olive oil and soy, to vinegar and homemade hot sauce. Instead of opening capped glass bottles, you can simply turn your squeezy fella upside down and speedily splash some vinegar into your salad dressing or drizzle some evoo on your skillet before making fried eggs. However, cleaning squeeze bottles can be tricky due to their cylindrical shape, small mouth, and height. The easiest way to clean them is to take a two-pronged approach; attack the outside first with a baking soda mixture before swishing out the inside with dish soap and a paper towel.
Greasy residues can accumulate on the surface of squeeze bottles if they're stowed on your countertop and the tips can get blocked and sticky, particularly if you've filled them with syrups or icings to decorate cakes and cookies. To remove this grime, combine baking soda with water to make a paste and liberally apply it to the exterior of your bottles before giving it a gentle scrub with a sponge or cloth. You should find that the abrasive texture of the baking soda clings to the grease on the surface and eliminates it. To clean the inside of your squeeze bottles, fill them with hot soapy water and allow them to soak for a few minutes to dislodge the grease. Then put the lids back on, give them a thorough shake and rinse.
Scrunched up paper towel will absorb the grease
If your squeeze bottles still have residues on the inside after cleaning, try using this TikTok paper towel hack for cleaning dirty Tupperware. All you need to do it put a scrunched up piece of paper towel inside, along with the hot water and dish soap, before giving it another shake. The grease and sticky remnants dislodged by the soap will be absorbed by the paper towel, preventing it from settling onto the surface again. Then when you tip the paper towel out, all the grease will come away with it. If your lids still aren't clean by this point, hold them under a running faucet to melt away any sugary syrups or thickened layers of dried condiments blocking their tips.
After rinsing your bottles, you must dry them well before using them again. While turning them upside down and leaving them to air dry can work with some varieties of squeeze bottles, it's likely a small amount of water will pool on their necks and drip down to the bottom when you flip them over again. If this occurs, wrap some more paper towel over a lengthy utensil, like a chopstick or one end of a wooden spoon and place it inside your bottle. Move the tool around so the paper towel can absorb any moisture, leaving you with a clean and dry bottle ready to be used for icing more cakes or filling with infused oil.