Why Your Nespresso Coffee Isn't Hot Enough And What To Do About It
Nespresso drinkers are a devoted clan, often willing to embrace the newest high-tech machines and a wide array of premium global coffees from around the world. It seems the brand can do no wrong, which is why its surprising to find considerable conversation around the temperature of Nespresso coffee — specifically that it's not quite hot enough. But that isn't an oversight by the company.
In fact, Nespresso explains that a slightly lower brewing temp allows the most favorable coffee-aroma extraction while avoiding burnt coffee beans. It also facilitates immediate consumption and enjoyment while the coffee is still aromatic and laced with a perfect natural crema. To that end, Nespresso machines brew at temperatures ranging from roughly 181 to 186 degrees Fahrenheit for the Original line of machines, and slightly lower for Vertuo machines, which incorporate barcode pod technology for determining water temperature per each specific blend. By comparison, other coffee machines may use hotter temps ranging from about 195 to 205 degrees.
However, sometimes your Nespresso coffee isn't hot enough for other reasons. A buildup of mineral deposits in the appliance can eventually cause coffee to brew at lower temperatures, creating a need to descale the Nespresso machine. It's a very common maintenance need for most espresso-style machines, and Nespresso recommends descaling every three months or after 300 used capsules. A few other options exist for attaining hotter coffee. They involve being mindful of how external items or habits can affect coffee temperatures inside the cup.
Low-tech methods for hotter Nespresso
Most Nespresso machines don't have a manual temperature-control feature, but some simple low-tech things can help you get a hotter cup of coffee. The first one centers on the cup itself. A cold or room-temp cup will inevitably cool down coffee faster than a warm cup, so take a couple of minutes to preheat it. A quick way to achieve that is by filling the empty cup with boiling water from a kettle, then empty it just before pouring in your favorite freshly brewed Nespresso blend.
Pay attention to the natural layer of crema that sits atop a freshly expressed or brewed cup of Nespresso. A quick stir will mix the warm crema into the hot coffee, creating a consistent, balanced temperature in every sip. While you're at it, consider using a wooden stir stick, since a metal spoon can cool down hot liquids.
If you like milk or cream in your coffee, by all means warm it up first, as cold milk makes lukewarm coffee. An easy way to warm milk, while also frothing it up for cappuccinos and lattes, is to use the Aeroccino frother available from Nespresso. Plenty of other milk frothers and steamers do the trick as well. Then there's the option of going old-school: simply heat the milk or cream in a stovetop pan.