Fire Island's Frozen Tail Ale

Fire Island Beer's latest keeps you warm in winter

Jeff Glassman and his two cousins have fond memories of summers on Fire Island. Their days were divided between the beach and their basement, where they brewed batches of craft beer that they served up at a concession stand called The Shack.

This nostalgic idyll is what fueled the trio to launch Fire Island Beer Company in 2009 as an ode to the carefree haven off the coast of Long Island. And though the beer is now brewed upstate by Olde Saratoga Brewing Company (those of Kingfisher fame), each bottle, demarcated by the island's whimsical deer on the label, captures the spirit of its laid-back, sandy origins.

In the year since the release of the brand's original recipe, the easy-to-drink Lighthouse Ale, the cousins have added the crisp, fruity Red Wagon IPA and the spicy Pumpkin Barrel Ale to the portfolio. Fire Island's fourth release, Frozen Tail Ale, makes its debut in NYC bars and retail stores–including Whole Foods–this week.

And as we're slammed with colder temperatures, this hoppy, mahogany-hued brew will work like liquid cashmere to keep us warm with its layers of rich caramel and toffee notes and visions of oysters by the beach.

Here's to an endless summer.
