
FoodCorps launches to fix a broken food system

Lately, we've seen a proliferation of food-themed comics (see here and here).

More captivating than fantasy, to us, is reality. And an epic good-versus-evil story line is in full effect with FoodCorps, the newly launched nonprofit bent on eliminating some of the food-related calamities that afflict so many Americans: For example, in this country, studies claim that one in three children is obese, while 15 percent of Americans are on food stamps.


FoodCorps follows the model of AmeriCorps (and its international counterpart, the Peace Corps), and the first class of 50 volunteers has just been dispatched. They'll serve in one of 10 different sites for one year, working on such projects as planting gardens, bringing healthy food in schools and teaching children about nutrition.

To enhance the probability of success, FoodCorps's founders–whose collective resumes include Slow Food, the film King Corn and the White House Childhood Obesity Task Force Forum– have spent the past year meeting with food-safety experts to target the most at-risk communities.

The FoodCorps team will be looking for a new class of volunteers in the spring. Donate time or funds, or, this fall, apply for a Garden Grant to help create or expand school gardens in your community.


Holy school lunch, Batman!

