A $1,000 Giveaway Through Foursquare

Hit the nightlife jackpot with Tasting Table on Foursquare

You know that moment when the menu arrives and you wish you knew the restaurant's showstopper dish? We have the answer.

Thanks to the infinite wonders of smart-phone technology, we can be there to whisper our field-tested advice: The best dishes and most memorable bites at Tasting Table's favorite new and classic spots are all documented on Foursquare, so you can get an in-the-pinch recommendation anywhere you go.

Lucky for you, when Tasting Table eats out on the town, we're constantly connected on Foursquare, so you can be everywhere we are. In addition to being able to check in and get our tried-and-tested tips, there's a bonus; those who follow Tasting Table on Foursquare between now and June 11 will be entered to win a $1,000 night out for you and 10 friends (click here to enter the sweepstakes).

You need never go hungry for instant deliciousness again.
