The Most Majestic Tacos On Instagram

All of the tacos you wish you were eating this Cinco de Mayo

Ahh, Cinco de Mayo. That wonderful day of the year on which it's socially acceptable to start drinking margaritas at noon and shovel neon queso into your mouth like nobody's watching in celebration of . . . something?


Although this piñata-clad occasion may just be an Americanized version of what people wrongly believe to be Mexico's Independence Day, it's still a great excuse to eat some damn good tacos. We scoured social media in search of the best barbacoa-filled, guac-topped, sour cream explosions we could find, and we were not disappointed. We are, however, very hungry now.

So take a scroll through our favorite tacos on Instagram in preparation for a night of drinking, dancing and inevitable sombrero wearing. We'll be right there with you.











