Detroit Woman Donates Year's Worth Of Free Pizza

This lucky lady is donating it to a homeless shelter. Amen.

Some people have trouble sharing a single slice of pizza, but here's an uplifting story to send you off into the weekend in a happy frame of mind.

A few weeks ago, one lucky Michigan resident named Hannah Spooner won $500 worth of Little Caesars pizza to eat in 365 days. Instead of keeping the cheesy goods to herself, Spooner decided to donate her prize to the Covenant House Michigan, a shelter for runaway and homeless youth  and survivors of abuse.

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"Detroit is going through a lot of negativity," Spooner told "I wanted somewhere close to home that would be affected by my donation."

Covenant House, which has been open for 20 years and serves three meals a day to its residents, is thrilled with the gift, as are the young people coming in. "They love pizza. They get very excited," development manager Carolyn Millard says.

Watch the video to hear Spooner talk about her surprise win and how she decided to give it all away.
