There's A Pizza Camp For Adults In Minneapolis

The pizza-making festivities are happening this weekend

Die-hard pizza fans near Minneapolis can spend this weekend listening to the "saucy sounds" of the Time Life Pizza Collection, a pizza-themed music duo, building their own pizza at a toppings bar and trying out what it's like to make wood-fire pizza. Welcome to Pizza Camp.

It's the third year that the Minneapolis Pizza Club has hosted the get-together, which combines lots and lots of pizza with summer camp activities like archery and canoeing. The event's cohosted by the Grown-Up Club, so naturally there's beer to go with those pies.

RELATED   Want to Make Your Staff Productive? Serve Pizza "

A $125 fee includes all the pizza you can eat, a place to take a pizza-induced nap in a cabin and pizza swag like T-shirts and beer koozies.

Now, please excuse us while we go look up airfare to MSP.
