9 Carrot Recipes To Beat Winter

Get ready to glow

In this, the grayest stretch of winter, chefs are grabbing carrots by their greens and using them to add an electric pop of color to dishes like Union Square Cafe's carrot pasta, Sunday in Brooklyn's carrot cocktail and even Smyth's bright-orange carrot sorbet in Chicago.

RELATED   Probably the Best Carrots You'll Ever Eat "

And here at Tasting Table, we're following suit with our favorite carrot-centric recipes, like the maple-roasted carrot salad from Ina Garten, a glowing carrot and parsnip soup from our Test Kitchen and a side of decadent Brie-topped carrots from Tim Love. Go ahead—make your table glow.

Start the year off right with the healthy ingredients, dishes and recipes that will stick with you long after you've abandoned those pesky resolutions. We're going all in on Clean(er) Eating—and drinking, too.
