Grab Dang Foods' Toasted Coconut Chips

Crunchy, healthful Dang coconut chips

It's not often that a new product knocks our socks off.

But in the case of Dang Foods' new toasted coconut chips ($3 for a 40-gram bag), once we popped open the bag, we truly could not stop. And given coconut's many healthful benefits–fiber, vitamins and purported healing qualities–we don't feel one bit guilty about it.

San Francisco-based founder Vincent Kitirattragarn named the company after his mother, whose miang kum–a Thai appetizer of peanuts, dried shrimp, spices and more wrapped in spinach leaves–proved to be a minor culinary obsession after he couldn't stop eating one of the ingredients: toasted coconut.

To make the chips, the coconut meat is simply toasted with a touch of sugar and salt. The high-fiber, inch-long chips are delicious on their own as a snack, although they're so rich, you only need a small handful. Or you can sprinkle them on salads, creamy soups, noodle dishes, curries and yogurt parfaits to add texture and crunch.

All we can say is: dang.
