Maple & Ash Beefed Up Butter

Or your french fries, for that matter

It's been said that quality steaks don't need steak sauce. But when you're cooking up a nice cut of beef at home, it's only natural to want to boost it with something. If you're the kind of person who likes steak well done and slathered with ketchup, then by all means, go for it—we're not ones to draw divisions.

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But if you believe the duty of a proper sauce should heighten the steak-eating experience, not mask it, then Chicago's Maple & Ash has you covered. The glitzy Gold Coast chophouse just released Beefed Up Butter, a European-style butter gussied up with beef jou, red wine, garlic and herbs.

Maple & Ash Tomahawk Steak | Photo: Rebecca Breske

Part of a new line of goods from Maple & Ash's executive chef, Danny Grant, the butter joins a Caesar dressing and the fire-roasted steak sauce the restaurant serves. As Grant says, "If you're going to put sauce on a steak, it better be worthy."

But the real magic is in the Beefed Up Butter, which beyond steak, is the perfect way to give everything from mashed potatoes to sautéed vegetables a beefy umami kick.
