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Get a behind-the-scenes look at what really goes on in the test kitchen

Have you ever wished you had a behind-the-scenes look at what really goes on at Tasting Table? Well here's your chance. Now we're letting you in on more of all the delicious happenings at TT that are just too good to keep within the confines of our office.

That's where Snapchat comes in.

We're giving you insight into the recipes we're testing and the food we're eating (through on-the-fly videos and lots of puns), and Snapchat is just the medium for us to do it. If you want to watch our food editor carefully dusting napoleons in slow motion, our office dog bounding through our Soho headquarters and a lot of incredibly executed events in our Test Kitchen, you now have an in.

Add tastingtable on Snapchat for all of the backstage content that doesn't make it onto the web and prepare to be amazed by the daily amount of food we eat as a team. Happy Snapping!
