Give Guacamole A Tangy Blast Of Citrus With Grapefruit

Guacamole has become an anytime type of food. It is as welcome topping off a burger or slathered onto a sandwich as it is served alongside a fresh pile of tortilla chips, and it comes in many variations, from guacamole with tomatillo and queso fresco to colorful pomegranate guacamole. One way you may not have considered amping up your guacamole, however, is by adding more fruit — and we don't mean lime or even lemon. To create a truly refreshing twist on traditional guacamole, we recommend adding a different tangy ingredient: grapefruit.


It is not news to anyone that avocado pairs well with acidic ingredients like citrus. Avocado and lime are foundational foods in many cuisines and are paired together more often than not. We suggest adding grapefruit for similar reasons to lime: The acidity of the fruit cuts through the richness of the avocado, bringing balance to the flavor profile of the guacamole and allowing your palate to appreciate both the creaminess and the tartness without one overwhelming the other. What grapefruit offers beyond this, however, is additional astringency (which some may find pleasantly bracing) as well as a slightly sweeter taste. In addition, the ruby color of the grapefruit flesh, if added in chunks, provides an aesthetically pleasing pop when serving.


Pick complementary ingredients for a unique flavor

For the best flavor when adding fresh grapefruit to your guacamole, be sure to select one that is at peak ripeness for maximum sweetness and juiciness. A ripe grapefruit will be plump and heavy with an oblong shape. Fruits that are mushy or discolored are spoiled, and fruits that are round and hard are underripe. There are several ways you can incorporate grapefruit into the dish. One option is to simply swap the lime juice in your favorite recipe out for an equal amount of grapefruit juice, which will provide plenty of flavor without creating an unfamiliar texture. An alternative approach is to treat the grapefruit as you would a mango by dicing it into chunks and stirring the fruit directly into the dish. This results in added bursts of juicy flavor and texture, as well as an added visual appeal.


Given the unique flavor of grapefruit in this context, you may wish to switch up some additional ingredients for the most cohesive results. For example, the bitterness of the fruit alongside the bitterness of red onion may become overpowering. In this case, try substituting red onion for a milder allium, such as a shallot or leek. You can also play up the grapefruit flavor by adding ingredients that naturally pair well with both grapefruit and avocados, such as a touch of chili powder or even a splash of tequila for a boozy bite.

