The 12 Best Canned Ingredients To Spruce Up Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a brilliantly versatile option for breakfast, allowing you to start your day with a meal full of protein and healthy fats — and it just so happens to taste pretty delicious, too. Adding ingredients to your eggs can boost nutrition and flavor, which means that you can enjoy a different version of the dish each time you make it.

Canned ingredients are a brilliant option for this, hiding out in your pantry until you need them, and with shelf lives many times longer than their fresh equivalents. From pumpkin and artichokes that cut down on fiddly preparation, to salmon and sardines for an omega-3 boost, there are numerous tasty options out there that will level up your eggs in minutes.

To help you find a canned upgrade for your scrambled eggs, I asked two experts to share some tips. Marye Audet-White, recipe developer and four-time best-selling author at Restless Chipotle, and Marjory Pilley, seasoned food blogger and creator of The Dinner-Mom, have years of kitchen experience between them. And each have shared their favorite tips on how to upgrade your eggs using canned ingredients. So, grab your spatula, and get ready to leave bland breakfasts behind, while armed with your trusty can opener.

1. Green chiles

If you feel like adding a pop of spice to your breakfast, consider combining some canned green chiles with your scrambled eggs. Compared to fresh chiles, they have a more subtle heat, allowing the flavor of the pepper to shine. "They add a little kick without overpowering the eggs, and they mix in super easily," says Marye Audet-White.

The beauty of canned chiles is that all the preparation work has been done for you. It's hard to imagine wanting to spend time in the morning seeding and chopping fresh chiles, so opening a can makes the whole process delightfully easy. Of course, breakfast isn't the only time you can enjoy this delicious pairing, as they can just as easily become part of a larger meal.

"Chopped green chiles add a bright, tangy flavor to scrambled eggs," says Marjory Pilley. "But you do not have to stop there. For a very festive meal, top the final dish with Tex-Mex toppings like shredded cheese, canned black olives, and avocado." Adding these more substantial ingredients into your eggs means you can increase the already-impressive nutritional profile of this dish with more high-quality protein and healthy fats. Whether you are cooking a simple healthy breakfast or a more substantial family meal, adding canned green chiles to the dish will balance the richness of the eggs and leave your palate feeling satisfied.

2. Potatoes

If eating just eggs in the morning leaves you feeling a bit hungry a few hours later, adding potatoes to them can make them into a more substantial meal. Marye Audet-White recommends adding canned potatoes to create a heartier version of your usual breakfast, with a comforting texture, to boot. While fresh potatoes will also work, scrubbing, peeling, and boiling potatoes doesn't feel like a morning kind of job. So, using canned ones will save you time and effort, and allow you to spend more time getting yourself and the family out of the door.

Adding chopped canned potatoes to your scrambled eggs will create a dish that is a cross between a frittata and a breakfast hash, and you can customize it however you want. From bacon to bell peppers, or a large helping of cheese, virtually anything in your fridge can be added to this delicious breakfast concoction. Be sure to add plenty of seasoning, as the potatoes will soak it up, so fresh and dried herbs and a few chili flakes can make a world of difference.

The combination of canned potatoes with your eggs should help keep you full throughout the morning and prevent you from reaching for those unhealthier snacks. With a breakfast as satisfying and delicious as this one, sugary cereals and croissants will be a thing of the past.

3. Sardines

Oily fish is an ingredient that we are advised to eat regularly, but many of us struggle to fit it into our diets. According to the British Heart Foundation, the average person only consumes around 30% of the recommended amount, meaning many people are missing out on the vital omega-3 fatty acids they could be getting. Sardines are an excellent source of these fats, which are incredibly important for heart health, so adding them to your breakfast could be a great solution to up your fish intake.

Indeed, as Marye Audet-White recommends, "Another unusual but tasty option is canned sardines — just a little bit flaked into the eggs adds a rich, savory punch." She adds, "Not everyone's cup of tea, but definitely worth a try if you're up for something different!" Even if you're not the biggest fan of fish, you should give sardines and scrambled eggs a try — you may be pleasantly surprised. The fish lends a salty, umami flavor that contrasts the eggs perfectly. 

Canned sardines also come in a huge variety of flavors, meaning you can add garlic, herbs, or chili flavor to the dish without any additional prep. The sardines are already cooked, so they can be added into the pan with the eggs to warm them through. A squeeze of fresh lemon over the top before you serve will lift the whole dish and give it a Mediterranean vibe.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes and eggs are both fantastic breakfast options, and if you've never thought to combine them before, you're in for a treat. Though fresh tomatoes can be used, why bother with all the hassle of chopping them and losing juice and seeds to the cutting board, when you can quickly open a can and pour them in?

"Diced tomatoes are another option that upgrades scrambled eggs," says Marjory Pilley. "Look for ones that include Italian seasonings for extra flavor." Indeed, the wide variety of canned tomatoes that are available means that you can buy them with additional flavorings already added in, from Mediterranean herbs to garlic and chili. Marye Audet-White notes, "I love adding canned tomatoes, especially fire-roasted ones — they bring a nice tangy flavor and a bit of sweetness." 

Canned tomatoes are already cooked, so there is no need to prepare them separately from the eggs. Be sure to drain them first, chop them up if they are not already diced, then add to the eggs as they are cooking. The mild acidity from the tomatoes will balance the richness of the eggs to create a satisfying breakfast or light lunch. Serve on a slice of sourdough bread and scatter with fresh herbs. If you want to make a more substantial meal with canned tomatoes and eggs, consider making a fire-roasted shakshuka, which adds peppers and onions along with plenty of delicious spices.

5. Beans

Beans for breakfast — definitely! Beans and scrambled eggs — why not? Once you have tried this tantalizing savory combo, your mornings will never be the same. While scrambled eggs on their own make a lovely light breakfast dish, there are some mornings where you need to pack a little more punch with the first meal of the day. Whether you have a busy day ahead or are simply lacking a bit of energy, adding beans in the morning will easily keep you going until lunchtime.

"To make your scrambled eggs more filling, toss in some canned black beans or kidney beans," says Marye Audet-White. "They're packed with protein and fiber, so they'll keep you full longer." Since canned beans are already cooked, they make a quick and inexpensive addition to your meals, and the options to customize are endless. Add some shredded cheese for a more indulgent flavor, or keep the dish plant-based with the addition of chilis and tomatoes.

Audet-White adds, "You can also sneak in some canned chickpeas for a boost of protein and fiber. Just drain and rinse them well, then give them a quick saute before adding your eggs." All beans are packed with both soluble and insoluble fiber, meaning they are great for your digestive system and keeping your gut flora balanced. The fiber is also what helps fill you up, meaning the chances of you craving a sugary snack mid-morning are greatly reduced.

6. Corn

To add a little bit of sunshine into your scrambled eggs, crack open a tin of corn and enjoy the sweet flavor and crunchy texture that it will add to your dish. Canned corn is a brilliant pantry staple that allows you to enjoy sweetcorn all year round, and to upgrade your eggs in no time at all. While fresh corn is a joy to eat, it is tedious to prepare, but canned corn means you can get all that corny goodness without any of the effort. Open the can, drain and rinse to remove any salt, then pour into the pan with the eggs to create a fantastic scramble.

"It adds a sweet crunch that pairs really well with eggs, especially if you're doing a southwestern-style scramble," Marye Audet-White says of canned corn. Indeed, by adding some other ingredients on our list — black beans and green chiles, for example — along with some sharp cheddar cheese and a dollop of sour cream, you can create a Tex-Mex breakfast bowl that will be full of both nutrition and flavor. For a morning meal on the go, pile it all into a tortilla and roll it up to make a tasty breakfast burrito.

7. Mushrooms

Mushrooms can be a great breakfast food in their own right, but mix this veggie with your morning eggs, and you get a savory delight that is a brilliant way to start your day. The earthy flavor of the mushrooms balances the creaminess of the eggs, and with the right seasonings, the combination can be packed full of flavor. 

"Sliced mushrooms are a great way to add umami to scrambled eggs," explains Marjory Pilley. "Since they are canned, you won't need to saute them first, making them a quick and easy option." Without the need to scrub, slice, and cook the mushrooms, suddenly they become a very efficient way to add nutrients such as vitamin D and potassium into a meal. While fresh vegetables are preferable when you can manage them, having a can of mushrooms in your pantry means you can upgrade your scrambled eggs at a moment's notice. "Canned mushrooms are a great option," says Marye Audet-White, noting that they add depth and some heartiness to eggs.

Be sure to add some seasoning to your mushroom-loaded eggs — fresh thyme works particularly well — or you can even add a handful of grated cheese, which will bring the whole dish together nicely. The nutty flavor of Gruyere makes it an ideal option, and its ability to melt so easily will create an excellent texture, too.

8. Artichokes

It is easy to get stuck in a breakfast rut, making the same dish on autopilot every morning. If you want to mix things up a bit, Marye Audet-White has a suggestion for an unusual ingredient to elevate your scrambled eggs. "If you're feeling adventurous, try adding canned artichoke hearts," she says. "They bring a slightly tangy, unique flavor that's amazing with eggs."

Artichokes are an underappreciated vegetable that actually have a delicious, delicate flavor. The issue is that fresh artichokes are a real pain to prepare. It can take as long as an hour to prep and cook an artichoke, and you get very little of the edible artichoke heart considering the effort that goes into it. Canned artichokes, however, mean that you can enjoy this wonderful vegetable with no effort at all — as long as you can find your can opener. Artichokes also work brilliantly with mushrooms, so why not saute both with some onion and garlic, then add to the scrambled eggs for a dish that is packed with earthy flavors and nutrient rich, too? Served on some toasted ciabatta, this can make a delicious starter as well as a wholesome breakfast.

9. Pumpkin

It's not only vegetables that taste fantastic when added to scrambled eggs, fruits can do a stellar job, too. Marye Audet-White recommends adding some canned pumpkin to the eggs to create a breakfast that is apt for the fall, but equally delicious year-round.

The versatility of pumpkin allows it to lend itself to both sweet and savory dishes, meaning it really should get more use as a breakfast ingredient than it currently does. Pumpkin oatmeal and pumpkin breakfast muffins would both make great sweet options, but as a savory combination with scrambled eggs, it is both delicious and comforting. Pumpkin is probably underused because of the difficulty of preparation — hacking into it with a carving knife and scooping out seeds and flesh doesn't really feel appealing right before the school run — but canned pumpkin makes it so simple to incorporate into your meal. Simply add a few spoonfuls of the pumpkin to your egg mixture, season with some nutmeg and cinnamon, then pour into the pan and cook to your liking. 

Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin E, which are both associated with healthy skin and hair. So, making pumpkin scrambled eggs is a great way to support your morning beauty regimen, too!

10. Spinach

If packing nutrition into your day is important to you, then doing so at breakfast will pay off in terms of energy and hunger levels. Starting the morning with a healthy breakfast that is low in sugar is the best way to prevent the dreaded mid-morning slump. As mentioned, scrambled eggs are already an excellent, protein-rich option that also contain healthy fats, but adding a superfood in the form of spinach will upgrade your breakfast to champion levels.

If you don't have any fresh spinach lurking at the back of the fridge, don't despair. Marye Audet-White encourages using the tinned version instead. "Canned spinach is a winner in my book — it's easy to drain and toss in, and it's packed with nutrients," she advises. Marjory Pilley seconds the use of fresh or canned spinach as a nice pairing with scrambled eggs. As a leafy green, spinach is a nutritional superstar, rich in iron, vitamin C, and other important minerals. Its mild flavor compared to other greens makes it the perfect option to increase the healthful profile of your eggs while still tasting delicious.

Lift the flavor of the spinach and eggs with a small pinch of dried chili flakes, and a squeeze of lemon juice or a dusting of nutmeg. Enjoy them as they are for a light option, or with some whole-wheat toast for a more filling breakfast.

11. Salmon

There is perhaps nothing more luxurious for breakfast than scrambled eggs and smoked salmon, but for most of us, that is not an option that can be enjoyed regularly. Luckily, canned salmon is a much more affordable choice that will allow you to enjoy the fantastic flavor of these two ingredients, without the expense. "Canned salmon can also make your scrambled eggs feel more like a full meal, adding protein and those healthy omega-3s," Marye Audet-White says.

The flavor will vary depending on whether you buy pink or red salmon, but this canned fish complements the texture and taste of the scrambled eggs beautifully, creating an indulgent, appetizing dish. Although often enjoyed for breakfast, salmon and eggs also make a wonderful light lunch or fancy appetizer. The convenience of canned salmon means that a nutritious family meal is easily achievable with a few store-bought cupboard ingredients. Add fresh dill after serving and a spoonful of crème fraîche to enjoy an elegant dish that won't put too much strain on your wallet.

12. Evaporated milk

If you enjoy your scrambled eggs without too much extra stuff added, but would like them to be fluffier and creamier, canned evaporated milk may be the answer. While you are probably used to adding milk, cream, or even cream cheese into the egg mixture, chances are you haven't considered evaporated milk.

Canned evaporated milk is more concentrated than fresh milk, since up to 60% of the water has been removed during the evaporation process. This gives it a creamy consistency that will translate as fluffy scrambled eggs once they hit the pan. And since evaporated milk has such a long shelf life, it means you can still make those fluffy scrambled eggs even if you have run out of fresh milk or cream. Evaporated milk does not have added sugar, unlike condensed milk, so it will not affect the flavor much, meaning you can still add whatever herbs and other savory ingredients you wish.