Reinvent Grilled Cheese Sandwiches With One Overlooked Bread

When you think of the "perfect" bread for grilled cheese, what do you think of? There's probably something buttery in there, like brioche, or something extra flavorful, like garlic bread. But rather than looking to the lunch or dinner domain to find the ultimate companion for your gooey cheese, turn to breakfast instead. The English muffin, one of the most ubiquitous breakfast carbs, is actually the secret weapon in crafting a flavorful and unique grilled cheese. 

The reason why the English muffin reigns supreme, and deserves as much (if not more clout) than other breads, like Pullman white and rye, is because of all of those tiny little pockets. When your cheese melts, it has a ton more surface area to drip down into. That will give you a little bit of cheesy goodness in every bite. Plus, another big perk to this bread is that it has a firmer exterior coating on it. As a result, it is far easier to transport and eat on-the-go than other sliced breads — which are not sturdy enough to prevent the cheese from slipping out the side. 

Other upgrades for your English muffin grilled cheese

There are several different ways that you can construct your English muffin grilled cheese sandwich to ensure flavorful, gooey success. We personally recommend cooking this grilled cheese open-faced in a toaster oven, as this will allow the cheese to melt into the bread while also browning the muffin base. However, this method carries risks: If you add too much cheese to the top of your muffin, it could melt, drip off the sides onto the heating coils, and spark. For safety's sake, you could always toast your English muffin ahead of time before sandwiching your cheese in between. Just be sure you allocate enough time for your cheese to melt. 

You don't just have to settle for a plain cheesy English muffin, either. Grab a thin piece of deli ham and cram it between the slices. You may even try to add a schmear of apple butter to give this sandwich an upgraded, fruity flavor. Or, elevate your grilled cheese with some herby pesto, smashed avocado, or even caramelized onions to give it more of a deluxe and sophisticated feel.