Why You'll See More New Hostess Products In The Coming Years

If your go-to Saturday snack was a Twinkie, a pack of Donettes, or a Ding Dong, you can thank Hostess for baking up the gourmet treats of your childhood. Per Hostess Cakes, the company launched into snack-time fame in 1919 after it released its now iconic chocolate CupCake. 103 years later, the well-known company is still thriving. Aside from becoming one of America's most successful snack producers, Food Processing reported that the beloved brand's sales have been steadily increasing throughout 2022.

Of course, Hostess' classic products account for a lot of its success. However, the boost in revenue sales could be down to new treats the company has been whipping in 2022. The brand targeted coffee and doughnut lovers with their Caffeinated Hostess Boost Jumbo Donettes, which are larger-than-life Donettes filled with up to 70 milligrams of caffeine (per Food & Wine). And then, the company pleased cake fanatics by putting mini bundt cakes, which come in three different sweet flavors, onto store shelves (via Taste of Home). But, although the company has already released two all-new treats in the last few months, it hopes to continue production of never-before-seen snacks into the foreseeable future (per Food Business News).

Three more years of new Hostess treats

Hostess revealed at the Barclays Consumer Staples Conference that its choice to continue making all-new treats is thanks to one key idea — innovation, according to Food Business News. Because, as the company explained, inventive desserts tailored to customers' snacking needs have increased its overall category growth. Arist R. Mastorides, executive vice president and chief customer officer of Hostess, stated the business will keep working with customers to turn out innovative new snacks for the next three years.

However, this is only the most recent way the brand behind some of America's most popular snacks has invested in new treats. In fact, Baking Business reported that, after conducting research, Hostess discovered people in the U.S. typically enjoy five different types of snack "occasions." The company stated it already customizes treats based on the data gleaned from its report and, in the coming years, it hopes to uncover more of America's snacking habits. As Mastrodies told Food Business, "that's the power of this new Hostess that we're talking about."
