The Chocolate Company Roger Federer Is Global Ambassador Of

Tennis darling Roger Federer has the sports world reeling today as he has announced his retirement from the sport at the age of 41, reports ESPN. With 20 Grand Slam wins under his belt, the Swiss-born silver Olympic medalist has undergone numerous injuries in the last few years, which no doubt play into his decision. His stellar 24-year career has made him not only an international sports superstar but the face of numerous companies as well including Louis Vuitton and Rolex, according to Forbes. Fortunately for his fans, Roger will play a final professional match at the end of September at the London's Laver Cup.

Time will tell what is next for the tennis legend, husband, and father. Federer did mention that he still expects to play tennis "but just not in Grand Slams or the tour" (ESPN). With more potential time to spend in his home country of Switzerland, it is not far-fetched to imagine he will have more time to devote to his numerous Swiss sponsors like Credit Suisse, high-end coffee maker giant Jura, and a luxurious chocolate company Federer has been representing for over 10 years, per Roger Federer.

When sports meet Swiss chocolate

In 2009, Federer was named the first-ever ambassador for world-renowned Swiss chocolatier Lindt. Yes, the company that makes those sinfully decadent, colorfully foil-wrapped balls of chocolate with the creamy, dreamy, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate centers. Marketing Week points out that the decision was made, in part, by hoping the collaboration would result in increased recognition of the 175-year-old brand, and, of course, increased sales. For the last 13 years, Federer has been involved in a number of events representing Lindt, including opening new shops, starring in commercials, hosting charitable occasions at Lindt's Swiss headquarters, and holding meet-and-greets at the factory with fans from all over the world.

Because Americans can't walk into most stores and not see Lindt's iconic balls of chocolate or delicious bars on display, it can only be assumed that the collaboration is working and that these two Swiss giants will continue to spread these amazing chocolates to even more corners of the globe.
