TikTok's Beautiful Butter Board Will Change The Way You Serve Bread

The more butter, the better — right? Leave it up to TikTok to churn out another food trend, this time in the form of a butter board. Reinventing the concept of bread and butter, these beautiful boards are as equally satisfying to admire as they are to eat. Trust us, this will change the way you serve bread forever.

Bon Appétit reports that TikTok creator Justine Doiron is behind the recent viral sensation, though she credits Chef Joshua McFadden's recipe for "Herbed" Butter With Warm Bread. Captivating millions as the newest type of grazing board, it's fair to wonder why we've collectively become so enthralled with boards.

Although social media has certainly helped the rise of "boardification" The Wall Street Journal explains that the attraction toward fuss-free-yet-fancy snacking dates back to WWII with the rise of specialty grocers and the reliance on prepared foods. While our gustatory preferences might have since changed, our desire to graze has not. Cue: the butter board.

Flavored, buttery goodness in every bite

Much like a compound butter acts as a flavor enhancer, these dairy-based boards operate in the same way, just more aesthetically. That said, choosing the right variety is detrimental. While locally-sourced butter is best, Allrecipes reports that any grass-fed, cultured, or European-style version will also work — just be mindful of the salt content during assembly.

Just as it sounds, TikTok creator Justine Doiron explains that a butter board begins with generous (yet, artful) swirls of softened butter onto a board, before being topped with all sorts of things, like flakey sea salt, herbs, edible flowers, fresh vegetables, honey, oil, jams, or roasted garlic. The beauty of the board is that it can be customized any way you'd like — just don't forget to serve it with some warm bread, crostini, or pita!

However, nothing is perfect, not even butter boards. Despite concerns over communal sharing, dilemmas with cleaning porous wooden boards, and the overall feasibility of the recipe, Today reports that making personal-sized versions, plating in a bowl, or serving with a butter knife are great ways to make the board all the more adaptable.
