The Biggest Mistake To Avoid For Your Gin And Tonic

The classic gin and tonic is one of the most popular cocktails in the world, according to Wine Enthusiast, and while the drink was originally created to ward off malaria, it has since earned a place at wedding receptions, summer parties, and has even been incorporated into gummy bears

Difford's Guide describes the gin and tonic as one of the best mixed drinks that's served. Though the basic drink recipe sounds simple (at just two ingredients), a well-crafted gin and tonic takes some effort, admits the MTL blog. The kind of gin you use, the proportion of tonic you add, and the garnishes you choose can all impact the type of beverage you end up drinking.

Wine Enthusiast reminds eager mixologists that, as tempting as it is to geek out over the many different gin varieties, gin and tonics are made up of mostly tonic. But as you experiment with different proportions and concoctions at home, there's one tip you won't want to overlook.

Don't go easy on the ice

While the quality of the ingredients certainly matters (be sure to add tonic, not seltzer water for your gin and tonics), the right temperature can help your drink sing. Gin and tonics need ice ... a lot of ice. In fact, according to Good Housekeeping, an excess of ice won't dilute your gin but will keep your drink cold and pleasant tasting. Though, as always with mixed drinks, you should be making ice using purified or distilled water to prevent quick melting. 

As you set out to create the perfect bold gin and tonic recipe, remember that the right balance of ingredients is the key to an easy-to-drink beverage. For fruity, floral cocktails perfect for outdoor gatherings, try this lavender gin and tonic recipe, and if you're looking for other gin-based drinks to serve, we have 23 different cocktails for you to sample.
