The Drink Angela Lansbury Credited To Her Long Life

Angela Lansbury, who had an iconic career on film and stage that spanned eight decades, passed away Tuesday at the age of 96 (via NBC News). From classic films like "Gaslight" and "The Manchurian Candidate," to "Beauty and Beast" and perhaps her best known role as detective Jessica Fletcher in "Murder She Wrote," Lansbury was a beloved presence who entertained generations of Americans. The fact that she managed to stay active for so long was a testament to her commitment to living healthy in an achievable way.

Anyone who lives such a long life surely has a few tricks up their sleeve. Lansbury actually shared some of her routine in a home workout video in 1990 called "Positive Moves," which has aged far better than most celebrity health advice from that era (via Comet Over Hollywood). In it, she not only talks about basic exercise like stretching and taking walks or her diet — which includes fruit for breakfast and a salad or salad sandwich for lunch — but she expounds on the importance of what many know as body positivity, saying: "Self acceptance is vital. Give yourself a break, there's something to like in every body" (via The Recreationalist). Anyone with such forward thinking attitudes towards health is worth listening to, and she had a few more routines she credited her wellbeing to.

Lansbury thought wine and vitamins gave her energy into her old age

Reflecting on her career in 2018 to Express, Angela Lansbury told reporters: "I feel full of energy and I certainly don't feel 93. I like a glass of wine and take a lot of vitamins — perhaps that keeps me going." Coupled with her active lifestyle and great attitude, that is the kind of easy health advice few people wouldn't mind taking. She probably was not too far off either, as occasional consumption of red wine does actually have some known benefits.

According to Real Simple, red wine is high in antioxidants and resveratrol, which can fight disease, potentially improve heart health, boost memory, and even help regulate blood sugar. Still, it would be good to stick to that singular glass of wine Lansbury credited, as the Mayo Clinic notes the negative side effects of alcohol, like high blood pressure or liver disease, can outweigh the positives if you do more than moderate drinking. If you choose to take this tip from one of our era's healthiest and most memorable stars, you can start exploring the world of wine for one of the most pleasurable ways to give yourself a health boost.
