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Replace Your Pizza Cutter With This Handy Office Tool

Whether you're a foodie or are more laid back about your eats, whether you're a passionate home cook or an equally passionate restaurant eater, and whether you're working with a food budget large or small, one thing is very likely true about you. You just can't get enough pizza. A food unique in its ability to span from lowbrow (think frozen DiGiorno) to highbrow (think piping-hot from a Neapolitan wood-fired oven), pizza is a favorite across the world. 

A recent Harris poll asking more than 2,000 U.S. Americans what their favorite food is, had the saucy, cheese-topped treat coming in first place (via MSN), but of course, it seems like everyone loves pizza, no matter which borders they reside within. Pretty much all of us can report chowing down on pizza with some frequency, whether we choose to phone our favorite joint for delivery, step into a restaurant for a sit-down pie, or go the extra mile to bake pizza at home. 

When getting down and dirty in the kitchen with a bag of flour and a carton of yeast, however, the result should be a well-cooked, crunchy-chewy, and not-all-that-easy-to-slice-into-treat (via Serious Eats). Typically, most of us will awkwardly cut into a homemade pizza with a chef's knife or else bust out that utensil that almost always hides at the back of the drawer — a pizza cutter. But there's a better, and easier, option for cutting pizza, and we're willing to bet it's already sitting on your desk.

Scissors make a fine tool for cutting pizza

If you like baking pizza at home, you've undoubtedly found yourself face-to-face with a hot, delicious, and surprisingly hard-to-cut pie on more than one occasion. Depending on the type of pizza, a great crust should range from chewy to crispy to blistered, Serious Eats writes, and those crusts — plus the steaming toppings above them — call for an extremely sharp knife, or else a pizza cutter. But if you want to cut pizza as Italians do, then you should opt for scissors next time.

If you've ever visited an authentic pizzeria in Italy, you would have noticed workers cutting off your desired size slice with a pair of scissors, then weighing the slice to come up with your bill. According to Food & Wine, that practice is the rule in Italy, especially in Roman pizzerias that sell long, slab styles of pie. In the U.S., professional pizza cutting using scissors can be found at pizza and bread maven Jim Lahey's Sullivan Street Bakery locations in New York City and Miami (via Sullivan Street Bakery).

For pizza-cutting, Lahey told Food & Wine he prefers a sturdy pair of kitchen shears, such as these from OXO. But if you're in a pinch and need to grab your office scissors from your desk, those will probably work, too. Just allow for some cooling before slicing into a super-hot or super-loaded pie, Lahey cautioned, or "you're probably gonna burn your hand."
